Terms and Conditions

Last updated: September 1st, 2020

These terms and conditions (the "Terms") form a legally binding agreement which govern your access to and use of YouGetMe's, ("we", "us" or "our") website ("Website") and our YouGetMe mobile application (the "App"). Our Website is hosted at yougetme.app and other domains and sub-domains.

  1. Use: You may only use the Service in accordance with these Terms. All rights not expressly granted to you in these Terms are reserved by us.
  2. Privacy: We collect and use personal information in accordance with these Terms and our privacy policy which is incorporated by reference and available for your review, as amended, at http://yougetme.app/privacy. By using our Website and App, you consent to such processing and you warrant that all information provided by you is accurate.
  3. Responsibility: You will be responsible for all activity that occurs as a result of your use of the Service. We disclaim any and all liability (including for negligence) for the content, opinions, statements or other information posted to, or use of, the Service by its users.
  4. Provision of information: In order to use the services provided on the Service, you must be at least 16 years of age. When you register to use the Service, you agree to provide true, accurate, current and complete information about yourself as prompted by the Service (“Registration Information”), and to maintain and promptly update your Registration Information in order to ensure that it remains true, accurate, current and complete.
  5. Community policy: You must be courteous and respectful of others’ opinions, and you must not post unwelcome, aggressive, suggestive or otherwise inappropriate remarks directed at another member of the Service.
  6. No spam, multiple accounts or mass following: You must not use the Service or encourage others to use the Service to create multiple accounts, deceive or mislead other users, disrupt discussions, circumvent account blocks, game the Service’s mechanics, alter consensus, post spam or otherwise violate our community policy. You must not follow an excessively high number of accounts in order to generate reciprocal follows and thereby manipulate your account’s popularity.
  7. No malicious use: You agree to access the Service through the interface we provide. You must not use the Service for any malicious means, or abuse, harass, threaten, intimidate or impersonate any other user of the Service. You must not request or attempt to solicit personal or identifying information from another member of the Service.
  8. No illegal use: You must not use the Service for any unlawful purpose, or post any information that is in breach of any confidentiality obligation, copyright, trade mark or other intellectual property or proprietary rights of any person.
  9. Conduct: You must not use the Service to promote, engage in or incite hate, violence, discrimination or intolerance, including based on race, age, gender, gender identity, ethnicity, religion, disability or sexual orientation.
  10. Removal of content: We reserve the right to remove any content posted to the Service which we consider (in our absolute discretion) to be offensive, objectionable, unlawful or otherwise in breach of these Terms, including content that expressly praises, supports, promotes or represents white nationalist ideology.
  11. Intellectual property: You agree that we own all of the intellectual property rights in the Service. You grant us a non-exclusive, royalty-free, irrevocable, perpetual and sub-licensable right to use, reproduce, distribute and display (including for commercial purposes) on the Service and in other media any content or material that you post on the Service, and any name(s) and/or avatar under which you post such content. Other than this right, we claim no intellectual property rights in relation to the information or content that you upload onto the Service. Any content you post to the Service should be original, and not infringe anyone else’s intellectual property rights. You warrant that you own or are authorised to use and publish any content that you post.
  12. Indemnity: You indemnify, and will keep indemnified, us against all forms of liability, actions, proceedings, demands, costs, charges and expenses which we may howsoever incur or be subject to or suffer as a result of the use by you of the Service.
  13. Amendments: We reserve the right to amend these Terms at any time, including by changing the amount of any Fees payable for any of our services, and may also add new features that will be subject to these Terms. If these changes are material we will communicate the changes to users, and by continuing to use the Service, you will be taken to have agreed to the changes.
  14. Use of our logo: Subject to these Terms, we grant you a non-exclusive limited licence to use our YouGetMe logo when linking to the Service. You must comply with any instructions that we may give you from time to time about your use of our logo. You must not alter our logo in any way; use our logo in a way that suggests any type of association or partnership with us; use our logo in a way that is harmful, deceptive, obscene or otherwise objectionable to the average person; or use our logo to, or in connection with, content that disparages us or damages our reputation.
  15. Third-party applications: We may provide a platform for third parties’ applications, websites and services to make products and services available to you (“Third Party Applications”) and your use of any Third Party Applications will be subject to their terms of use. You agree that we will not be liable for the behaviour, features or content of any Third Party Applications.
  16. Termination or suspension of accounts: If you do not abide by these Terms, we may suspend or terminate your account.
  17. Technical support and malfunctions: We will try to promptly address (during normal business hours) all technical issues that arise on the Service. However, we will not be liable for any loss suffered as a result of any partial or total breakdown of the Service or any technical malfunctions.
  18. Governing law and jurisdiction: All users of the Service agree that the laws of Israel shall govern and apply to these Terms and each user’s use of the Service, and all users submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Israel courts for any matter or dispute arising in relation to these Terms.